Have you noticed your career in emergency services has changed you?

That your relationships both at work and off the job have diminished?

On this week’s Firefighter Craftsmanship podcast we’re going to talk about Building Your Tribe and why it’s so important to focus on relationships to be happy, healthy and strong!

In this episode we cover:

  • Why can building culture be so difficult?
  • How staffing models can impact how we are built as humans
  • The ways you can control the controllables and grow thriving relationships at work and at home

Resources mentioned in this episode (Some of these are affiliate links):

Presilience For the Emergency Scene: Firefighter Craftsmanship

Salus Saunas Affiliate Link Discounts for Emergency Responders and Veterans!:

Brute Force Training Affiliate Link Enter FirefighterCraftsmanship for 10% off!

Firefighter Craftsmanship Training and Resources for Stress:​​

Want even more training resources including a weekly email that spoon feeds you the top Human Performance concepts into your inbox? You can get all of that here: https://firefightercraftsmanship.ck.page/emaillist