Allostatic Load. How Heavy Can You Carry? by Kevin Housley I recently came across a new way to look at an old problem and it has opened my eyes to yet another psychological process that can help us achieve ultimate human performance. The concept is called “Allostatic Load” and it is heavily researched including for […]

Inside all of us lives a constant battle.  It is probably best surmised by an Cherokee Parable: An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, […]

Box Breathing for Firefighters

As a firefighter what’s your SCBA Breathing technique when you’re wearing your mask?  Do you have a breath practice that you default too? Box Breathing? Skip Breathing? Humm Breathing? Have you ever thought about implementing a specific Tactical Breath practice?  Does breathing intentionally even do anything for us as firefighters when we’re working on the […]

If you ask yourself the question “What do I want to get better at this week, month, or year?” what subject or subjects does your mind go to? Basic Firefighting Skills? Nutrition? Physical Fitness? These are certainly the top topics that it’s easiest for us to put into the crosshairs of personal development and growth. […]

Firefighter Wheel Breathing Technique Working out on duty is a great thing for improving our fitness as well as strengthening the team. But we can take it further than that and use those workouts to directly benefit our fireground skillset. One of the ways we can do this is by wearing an SCBA and breathing […]

In today’s world there are infinite resources out there for anything you’re looking for, including fitness. One of the struggles firefighters face is finding a program that is right for them. There’s a lot of resources out there that are…let’s just say…not ideal. But there are a lot of great ones out there too. Some […]